Thursday 9 March 2017

Do we have to Celebrate Women?

Do we have to celebrate women?
Yes, celebrate women! Not just on March 8th Internationals Women’s Day but, every day. It should be a new norm. Celebrating women should be a pact we must make for the existence of human race. The very existence of human race relies on women. When we celebrate women, we are celebrating men and human race too. The word “Women” has “Men” in it; it implies that men are a part of women, born from women.
Just as Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the cell, women are the “Powerhouse of our lives”. They are everywhere and contributing to the development of human race. They are the light in the darkness, our support system. From our mothers to daughters, girlfriends to wives, teachers to managers, baristas to pilots, and what not. They play every role to perfection. Men may not be able to play so many different roles in a lifetime which women can.
Even after being aware of the might of women, men undermine them. From the very beginning of human race women have been the driving force. Yet, we men fail to recognize, and accept their importance. Though, women being the superior gender still are considered and treated as inferior to men. It is a shame on humanity for ill-treating women, and for centuries, they have been fighting for equality and rights. It is because of their magnanimous nature we don’t live like animals and yet sometimes we treat them like animals.
Women are power; Irony is we talk of empowering women. Men have been giving utmost importance and respect to ego than women. Men need to believe and treat women as their equals. The day we learn to respect our women, we mature as humans, and can conquest all the agonies of human race. It is the moral responsibility of men to support women and make a difference for a greater good.
Thanks, love, respect to all the
women in our lives, we men will always be indebted to you!

Friday 15 April 2016

Why do we fear Death?

It is common for children to exhibit inquisitiveness for almost every incident that happens in and around them. Just like every other kid, a boy when with his father asked him in an innocent tone
Boy: Dad, why do people fear death and what is suicide?
The father was shocked to hear his son. He stayed silent for a moment and then asked the boy
Father: Why are you asking me about death and who has put that thought in your mind?
Boy: Dad, as you know two days ago a young girl died in our neighborhood; people are saying it is a suicide.
Father: You are not supposed to know everything. You'll get to understand when you grow up.
His father's reply was in a harsh tone. Somehow the father dodged the boy's question and was mindful of the fact that his son is growing, becoming curious and thoughtful.
Disappointed by his father, the boy goes to his mother and repeats the same question.
Boy: Mom, I have to ask you something.
Mother: Yes Dear, What is it?
Boy: Mom, why do people fear death and what is suicide?
Just like his father, the mother is surprised to hear his son pop-up such a question.
Mother: Dear, death is unwanted and its scary. Coming to suicide, it is hurting oneself to an extreme extent which leads to death.
The boy was partially satisfied by his mothers answer and was still wondering "why do people fear death?" Then he goes to the grandfather. His grandfather was quite an old man with significant amount of gray hair.
Boy: Grandpa..., Can I ask you a question?
Grandfather: Yes Son, what is it that you want me to answer?
Boy: Grandpa, Why do people fear death ?
Grandfather: Hmm..., that's an interesting question!
Grandfather: Dear, death is a universal phenomenon and it is natural to die for every living being. No body here is immortal; even I'll have to die one day. Our stay hear is temporal and we have to embrace the life. When it comes to be afraid of death, it is a natural tendency. People fear death because it is painful. By pain, it doesn't mean a physical pain. It is a pain to the soul that death inflicts. Death is the pain of departing and losing our beloved ones. Death is inevitable and is nature's way of maintaining equilibrium. It is the conspiracy of natural forces; it is wise for us to make peace with the fact that we cannot triumph over death.
Boy: Why does death not fear people who commit suicide?
Grandfather: People who commit suicide fear living, they cannot embrace life. Their soul's endurance to fight is less, but not saturated. No body invites death, but people who commit suicide invite death and they die prematurely. Their conscience is blinded by fear of living, and they leave behind their beloved ones with misery, intense pain, and a void in their lives.

Whatever death may be, however it may be, whenever it may, death inflicts pain to our and beloved's soul. It leaves behind a void and numerous memoirs for the kin. Life is to embrace and fight the bottlenecks that we come across. Let the death come to us naturally, do not invite death.

"The life of the dead is placed on the memories of the living. The love you gave in life keeps people alive beyond their time. Anyone who was given love will always live on in another's heart."                                                                                                                                                                    - Marcus Tullius Cicero